Langkawi Island Cable Car Ride

Langkawi Cable Car is located at the Mount of Machincang in Langkawi. To take a ride on the cable car: First, you have to go to a place at the foot of the mountain, named Oriental Village
. Oriental Village is a themed shopping centre, which had been developed to promote traditional Malaysian and Oriental architectures. Then you can buy the cablecar's ticket at the Base Station located in the Oriental Village area.

Driving from Kuah Town to the Oriental Village will take you about 30 minutes while it just takes 15 minutes if you come from Langkawi International Airport.

The cable car stretched over 2.2 kilometres up to the highest point of Mount of Machinchang
. During the ride, you will see the breath taking view of Langkawi Island's surroundings. And when you arrived at the Cablecar's Top Station, you can even see some part of the southern Thailand's islands.

Here are some of the pictures taken there:

This was taken while I'm in the Langkawi Cable Car's gondola, on the way up to the Machincang mountain. See, how beautiful the scenery is.

One of the mammoth pillars that supports the cable car's cable. I wonder how they construct these pillars since it is very steep.

There you go, a panoramic view of Langkawi Island surroundings. You can see Chenang Beach and Kuah Town from the Top Station. Not to forget, the islands in Thailand too.

Next: Langkawi Cable Car Part 2


  1. Novi // April 16, 2008 at 12:09 AM

    terimakasih ya commentnya di blog Travel Guide. templatenya sama neh dengan milikku Harley Davidson.